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VM deletion fails with this error:
Running: Storage API Call: PUT "{\"state\":2,\"frontend_uuid\":\"2853206155\"}"
OnApp::Actions::Fatal Storage API Call failed: {"result"=>"FAILURE", "error"=>"onappstore offlineVDisk failed, vdisk ujxq0ye4zntskp not found."}
Fatal: OnApp::Actions::Fatal Storage API Call failed: {"result"=>"FAILURE", "error"=>"onappstore offlineVDisk failed, vdisk ujxq0ye4zntskp not found."}
OnApp 5.x.x
Integrated Storage
SSH to the HV listed in the error log (in the above error it's
Once there, create a dummy disk using the following command. You'll see that the name UUID and Datastore comes from the error log(highlighted in bold):
[root@~]# onappstore create name=ujxq0ye4zntskp uuid=ujxq0ye4zntskp size=1000 Datastore=5kx8b3ujq2hs0p
It may be the case that the deletion fails again, listed a different disk - use the same command for this new disk; you'll probably also need to create the first dummy disk again, as it was probably deleted during the DestroyVirtualServer task.
Here's a template of the command:
onappstore create name= uuid= size=1000 Datastore=
Also, make sure to check if the VM has additional disks that need to be created and/or be offline.
Somewhere a disk is missing. It could have been deleted prior to VM destruction.