The transaction "StartReplication" fails when using Cloud Motion.
OnApp versions 5.2-5.6
The following procedure can be used as a temporary solution for the issue:
- Log in via ssh to the CloudBoot Compute Resources:
controlpanel@onapp.cp ~>ssh
- Then using a VI text editor:
[root@ ~]# vi /scripts/
- Change the contents of the script to the following:
if curl --connect-timeout 5 2>&1 | grep -q -A1 "Current IP Address:"; then
curl 2>&1 | grep -A1 "Current IP Address:" | sed 's/^.\+Current IP Address:[[:space:]]\+\([0-9\.]*\)<.\+$/\1/'
echo "Your Hypervisor cannot access the public Internet."
echo "We recommend setting up a NAT via your control panel or enabling IP forwarding on your default gateway."
fi - Lastly, save the file.
Perform this procedure on all CloudBoot compute resources and restart the transaction. All failed transactions should work as expected.
Note that you need to perform the above steps each time you reboot a CloudBoot compute resource as the file will be overwritten to the default one.
This transaction fails due to the IP resolver address not being available in previous CloudBoot Compute Resource RPMs. The IP address is used specifically for the case when the DNS resolver addresses are not configured in CloudBoot Compute Resources. OnApp will provide updated images for 5.5 and newer versions, but in case the fix is needed immediately the abovementioned steps can be applied.