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How to use a separate RabbitMQ instance with OnApp?
OnApp 5.2.x (and later) with vCloud Director integration
In order to use a separate RabbitMQ server for your OnApp vCloud Director environment, you will need to edit a configuration file within the OnApp software.
1. SSH into your server
ssh root@test-onappvcd
2. Rename the configuration file below
[root@onapp ~]# mv /onapp/interface/config/rabbit_mq/vcloud/credentials.example.yml /onapp/interface/config/rabbit_mq/vcloud/credentials.yml
3. Update the file with the details of your separate RabbitMQ instance and save.
[root@onapp ~]# vi /onapp/interface/config/rabbit_mq/vcloud/credentials.yml
:port: 5672
:vhost: "/"
:user: rbtvcd
:password: password
4. Restart the OnApp daemon
[root@onapp ~]# service onapp restart