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Problem of changing owner of a VM. In particular, there doesn't seem to be any error showing in UI, but the dialog box is not coming up. production.log on CP may show 500 error for full_name (no implicit conversion of nil into string).
The related issues are that some pages of UI give 500 errors, or only for some users, or even a single user gets 500 error trying to log in.
All versions of OnApp so far (5.0 confirmed )
Error for conversion of nil to string for full_name indicates that for some user users.first_name and/or users.last_name is set to NULL. These fields are required to be not NULL, but they can be set to a space ' ' or even to nothing, however, they should not show in the database as "NULL" or "NIL" when listed out.
The fix is to manually find and change the user name in the database so the field is not NULL. It can be set to some default value instead and then edited further from the UI, if needed.
Additional Info
For some 500 errors, there are other causes as well, like missing virtual machines, bad joins and so on and so forth. The log on the CP at /onapp/interface/log/production.log should be examined for the most likely error and investigated further. This information only covers the case when the user's full name can not be concatenated by the CP logic. Please do not hesitate to contact support if assistance in resolving the 500 Error is required.