How to complete setup / installation of Plesk for Windows?
OnApp configured Windows templates with Plesk
The Windows templates with Plesk require some additional steps after the VM is provisioned and booted for the first time before Plesk can be used.
Please consult c:\readme.txt in the VM to be sure of the latest version of the instructions, since as of this posting it reads:
To complete the Plesk setup, please review and complete the following instructions:
Replace "password" with a unique password in the following commands, then run them in your Windows command shell:
net user psaadm "password"
Important:c:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:applicationPools /[name='PleskControlPanel'].processModel.identityType:SpecificUser /[name='PleskControlPanel'].processModel.userName:psaadm /[name='PleskControlPanel'].processModImportant:el.password:"password"
Now, set the Plesk hostname by replacing the example in the command below:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\bin\server_pref.exe" -u -hostname
The setup should now be completed, and you should be able to log in with the following:
Username: admin
Password: pass123
Important: please log in and change your Plesk admin password immediately.