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How can I monitor the state of my EDGEs?
Go to https://debug.onappcdn.com/edgemon. This monitoring panel allows checking the health of the CDN edge servers. It also shows the graph of the edge server component for example CPU, RAM and Disk usage.
check_fs_error - This is to check the filesystem of the edge server by writing to it.
check_heartbeat - This is to check if the edge respond to our monitoring
check_http - This is to check the edge server port 80 if it is responding
check_load - This is to check the CPU load
check_munin - This is to check it our munin monitoring can retrieve data from this edge
check_network - This is to check the outgoing speed of the server
check_ping - This is to check if the edge server is ping-able from inside and outside and packet loss
check_puppet_compile - This is to check if the edge server has the latest OnApp CDN configuration
You can also subscribe for alerts on your edge server status at https://debug.onappcdn.com/edgealert
Currently, there is no API available for this page, and it is for visual monitoring only. However, API for the entire debug.onappcdn.com is a part of our future roadmap.